by admin@bestseller | Jan 24, 2020 | News, Projects, Sport is your Business
“More entrepreneurship in sport – more sport for all” aims to provide participating organizations, participants and other stakeholders with an understanding of the attributes and perspectives of an entrepreneurial mindset, and the process to acquire one. Project...
by admin@bestseller | Jan 7, 2020 | News, Projects
Social Inclusion Association is implementing the European Project “NO VIOLENCE, NO BULLYING, NO SILENCE” under the Erasmus+ framework and Greek NA (INDEVIM) from 31st of July to 6th of August 2019 in Athens , Greece. According to latest statistics 19% of...
by admin@bestseller | Dec 31, 2019 | Nationals, News, Projects
У оквиру пројекта ,,Еманкипација – буђење“, у петак 27. децембра у УК Стари Град одржана је последња активност за 2019. годину под називом ,,Буди манки, као човек“ са трибином ,,Ко смо ми?“, као главни део догађаја. Догађај је реализован у сарадњи са плесном...
by admin@bestseller | Dec 23, 2019 | News, Projects
Coordination meeting under the project “WEBEN – Portal of entrepreneurial education in new key” will be held in Gdansk in the hotel “DOM MUZYKA” between 03.02-07.02.2020. Participants should arrive at the hotel by 03.02. at the latest, and representatives of “Fundacja...
by admin@bestseller | Oct 23, 2019 | News, Projects
Бестселер са поносом најављује активност ”Рол-моделинг фест”, која ће се одржати 27-ог октобра у КЦ Град, између 15 и 20 часова. Сатница: 15.00 – 16.30 Панел дискусија и радионица о менталном здрављу17.00 – 18.30 Плесачи и плесна радионица19.00 –...
by admin@bestseller | Jul 12, 2018 | News, Projects
First meeting under the Project “Young Balkan leaders – The power of shared international knowledge and skills for successful management” approved by Bulgarian National Agency, under KA2 – Strategic partnership in the field of youth Erasmus+, was held in Sofia,...