Association “Best-seller” is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit association, established for an indefinite period to achieve the objectives of the development of civil society and civic values.
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Internship koji je doneo rezultate
Under cooperation with the University of Sarajevo and University of Bologna under ERMA programme (The Global Campus South East Europe – European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights) where Best-seller was one of the Internship partners...
First impression matters, use it!
Did you know that it takes just three seconds for some to determine whether they like you or will they do business with you? People snap judgments are not different even when it comes to the social media and visual contents you put there. If it takes three...
A mysterious little thing that indicates sophistication
Observing the event with participation – a well-known anthropological method – I consume a welcome drink and among strong hairstyles, dress combinations and expensive shoes, I wonder – why is a handkerchief from the upper pocket of a jacket a reflection of...