Association “Best-seller” is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit association, established for an indefinite period to achieve the objectives of the development of civil society and civic values.
Our Objectives
Recent News & Blog
3 reasons to say “YES!” to the new school year
School is no longer the same as it used to be: a gloomy building in which you spend half of your life at a daily level, with a mandatory first-of-nineth blow during Serbian language class, where you ritually describe the autumn in your environment, trying...
Tight-knit – New series of Best-seller’s projects
Tight-knit is a new series of Best-seller’s projects that will focus on promoting of entrepreneurship mainly for young people and the promotion of socially agreed and progressive values (positive development and entrepreneurship, promotion of human...
Резултати пројекта ”Добрим ставом, корисном вештином и новим знањем – јачи тежимо запослењу”
Након последње активности пројекта – радионице, одржане у Београду крајем јануара 2017, користивши материјале настале током активности, уложену екпертизу, закључке укључујући и драгоцени допринос учесника и учесница, настала је брошура ”Степенице успеха” као и...