+381 65 926 27 27 office@best-seller.org.rs

Association Best-Seller

Association “Best-seller” is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit association, established for an indefinite period to achieve the objectives of the development of civil society and civic values.

Our Projects

Association Best-seller includes in its scope of activities idea incumbation and facilitation of idea transition through the process of project development, implementation and maintenance of results’ impact.


Association “Best-seller” is a voluntary, non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit association, established for an indefinite period to achieve the objectives of the development of civil society and civic values.

Our Objectives

The development of civil society; to advocate for responsible public policy and practical solutions; to support activism in the field of human rights; to encourage and promote the development and knowledge in local, regional, European and international relations and cooperation; innovation and entrepreneurship; and promotion of sustainable development.


Best-seller was officially founded in January 2014 by a group of experts and practitioners of youth work that already established international cooperation with other individuals, organizations and stakeholders, and was working on national European level in the previous years.

Recent News & Blog

Други тренинг – платформа побуђених потенцијала и функционалних личних планова

Други тренинг – платформа побуђених потенцијала и функционалних личних планова

Други тренинг у оквиру пројекта ”Добрим ставом, корисном вештином и новим знањем – јачи тежимо запослењу” је одржан у Вршцу  од 21-ог до 24-ог новембра у Хотелу Србија. Група учесника и учесница који долазе из региона Војводине, Београда и Јужне и Источне Србије је...

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Први тренинг завршен – добар посао тек започет

Први тренинг завршен – добар посао тек започет

Први трнинг у оквиру пројекта ”Добрим ставом, корисном вештином и новим знањем – јачи тежимо запослењу” је одржан у Нишу од 22-ог до 26-ог септембра у Регионалном центру за професионални развој запослених у образовању. Талентовани, инспиративни и иновативни млади...

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Training Course “Restart humanity” by Alfa Albona

Training Course “Restart humanity” by Alfa Albona

In the period from 1.9.2016 – 8.9.2016, Best-seller’s crew made by Tanja Bojovic, Nebojsa Djeric, Ljiljana Djajic, Nevena Feliks and Katarina Ilic had a chance to actively participate in 8-days Training course “Restart humanity”, organized by Alfa Albona. This...

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The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Renaissance sculptor and painter

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