DESUWOW – DEvelopment of professional Skills for the use of Urban solid Wastes and Organic Wastes in agricultural
The EU’s biomass energy sector is a major contributor to the EU’s energy policy. The European Commission believes that biomass energy can play an important role in achieving Europe’s 2050 targets.
In future Commission scenarios, energy production from biomass will almost double in 2030 ([SWD (2014) 259]). The Energy Roadmap 2050 aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 80-95% by 2050. However, due to technological and economic constraints, the use of biomass for energy production is currently not widely used in Europe.
Strong and effective support for the development of biomass energy from the AMW can also be a way to improve farm budgets. Western European countries are much more developed in this respect than Eastern European countries. The subject of agricultural and urban biogas plants is new in the countries of the partnership. Knowledge of AMW trainers and supporters of biomass energy in rural areas is also insufficient. DESUWOW will focus on the development of professional skills in the field of energy waste, which will help to reduce environmental impacts, unemployment and migration.
The project plans to achieve these objectives by developing innovative training resources that will support the transfer of know-how and innovation from the new countries involved as well as from new organisations. The project will be a sustainable project and will develop innovative practices that can be fully transferred to other areas. The main objectives are farmers, employees, municipal companies, environmental foundations, rural development agents, waste treatment companies, biomass energy suppliers, engineers or consultants involved in biomass topics, vocational education and training trainers and shareholders in Europe.
DESUWOW’s objectives are:
- identify and analyze targeted needs and competences
- development of an innovative and modern training programme
- carrying out a set of targeted pilot trials and transferred e-learning content
- developing new professional skills related to biomass energy
- promoting the EU’s RES demands
- awareness-raising and transfer of innovation for the re-use of waste in the EU
- promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, and employment in rural areas – supporting the improvement of the
- quality of life in rural areas and reducing migration
- promoting environmental awareness
The partnership is composed of:
- Across Atlantic Development Ltd – applicant and coordinator from the UK
- AIEG – Turkey
- Sustainable Development Studies group – Belgium
- Uludag University Assoc – Turkey
- Best-seller – Serbia
- Fregusia de Vila Boa do Bospo – Portugal
All the project results and materials will be available on the project’s web site