Weben – portal of entrepreneurial education in new key

Project Description
This is a Capacity building project under Key action 2- Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of goo practices– Capacity building in the field of youth of Erasmus+ programme with the name “WEBEN- Portal of entrepreneurial education in new key”. It consists of six activities: Coordination meeting, Training course, Study visit, Workshop, Local workshop and Conference including final evaluation meeting that will be organized by Uludag Universitesi, as partner organization and a host.
Project Activities
- Coordination meeting, Gdansk, Poland, February 2020
- Training course, Belgrade, Serbia, May 2020
- Study visit, Aurangabad, India, September 2020
- Workshop, Vrnjacka banja, Serbia, December 2020
- Local workshop, in each country separately, January-May 2021
- Conference and final evaluation meeting, Bursa, Turkey, March 2021
The project aims to gather founders of partner organization, their members, youth workers, professionals or associates from Serbia, Lithuania, Turkey, Poland, Greece, India, Vietnam and the Netherlands.
Main objectives of the project
Improved competences
“Weben” portal
Expanded perspective
The network of organizations
Improved contact
Other Objecitves
Since organizations lack trained youth workers who will be capable of working on programs with topic of entrepreneurship. This project tends to encourage increasing the number of youth workers in this field.
Upscaling working practices, motivational and dissemination methods of youth workers will also be discussed, all needed to improve the ability of youth workers to provide quality entrepreneurship education, and making them more appealing and attractive to young people.
Beside active promotion of entrepreneurship education and training youth workers, they are expected to go further to provide this type of education to groups with fewer opportunities. It is also planned, through the main output of the project – WEB portal “WEBEN” will contain collections of blogs and vlogs with topics around entrepreneurship – to be created, by means of promotion of European policies through small-scale textile industry, clothing with motivational messages inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit.
In order to reach its goals the set of activities during the events are based on methods non-formal and informal education, learning-by-doing, using various exercises, games, and work in small groups, simulations, role plays, round tables, individual activities, analyses and syntheses open space, case studies and discussions.
Project Partners
- Asocijacija Tavo Europa, Lithuania
- Uludag Universitesi, Turkey
- Alijansa za podršku društvu, Serbia
- Fundacja Instytut Rownowagi Spoleczno Ekonomicznej, Poland
- Social Inclusion Association, Greece
- Disha International Foundation Trust, India
- Cong Ty Co Phan Phat Trien Viec Lamthanh Thieu Nien Vax a Hoi, Vietnam
- Stichting Etica da Terra, Netherlands